Real Estate Investors Indicted for Defrauding Lenders

Allison Tussey —  January 14, 2013 — Leave a comment

Scott L. Lemons and Kevin V. Robinson were indicted on January 3, 2013, for their roles in an alleged scheme to defraud mortgage lenders concerning the sale of condominiums in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

According to the Indictment, Lemons and Robinson were real estate investors.  Lemons owned Gold Coast Resorts, S&L Funding, and East Coast Resorts, and Robinson owned CSPR Investments, LLC.  The companies were engaged in real estate speculation and investment in a condominium property known as Ashley Park, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.  Both defendants allegedly assisted buyers in securing financing based on the provision of false and misleading information such as the source of down payments, the borrower’s income, employment and source of assets, as well as the use of inflated appraisals.


Allison Tussey

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