Woman Gets Prison Time for Ripping Off Distressed Homeowners

Allison Tussey —  January 15, 2015 — Leave a comment

Vickie Fuentes, Fresno, California, was sentenced to 5 years local prison and ordered to pay restitution to 33 homeowners in the amount of $142,599.99.

Fuentes targeted distressed homeowners, promising loan modifications by reducing their interest rate. Fuentes required the
homeowner to pay an upfront fee and did little or no work. She kept mortgage payments made to her, and often forged documents making homeowners believe that their foreclosure sales had been cancelled.

Several homeowners lost their homes due to Fuentes’ actions.

Homeowners should be advised that loan modification services can be obtained free of charge by various non-profit entities and all mortgage payments should only be made directly to the lender.

Fresno County District Attorney Lisa Smittcamp announced the sentence.

The dedicated work of Deputy District Attorney Sydney Ricks and Senior Investigator Amarjeet Gill brought justice for Fuentes’

Allison Tussey

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